Don’t we always want to feel strong in a particular lift? The only problem is can we feel strong safely. This is one of the exercises that many will perform and sustain injury based on improper technique. A few things have to understand when performing a deadlift. One is that it is suppose to work more than your lower back. Two this is a full functional movement so many things have to be applied in the proper form and the best fit position for less risk of injury.

First variation is the conventional style deadlift. This is the more common one seen and for many who are built for deadlifting (longer arms and shorter tibias)can generate tremendous amounts of power. When performing this it is very important to keep the bar close to the body at all times. We initiate the movement driving through our heels so we want to keep that drive secure and balanced. The closeness of the bar will allow more control and less risk of injury especially in our lower/mid back region. Also we can use two different types of grips in this movement. Most use the over/under grip which aids in the grip strength with the bar. Some cases it is best to opt for the over/over grip to prevent the risk of bicipital injury. The underhand grip allows flexion of the bicep. If tension hits max load where the bicep can’t support then either the muscle will tear or we can have a complete rupture of the tendon which will be a complete detachment of the muscle from the bone. Either way not a good scenario and 10-16 weeks of therapy post surgical reattachment.

Our second variation is the sumo deadlift. This used for those with more flexibility in the hips and shorter torso with shorter arms. Still can be a very powerful movement for many and also involves the use of our adductor muscles. Same regards with the grip variations and risk factors. The bar still needs to maintain a close position to the body to prevent over-usage of our lower/mid back. The heel drive is still important but this stance will cause more pressure to be placed in the arch and anterior plantar surface of our foot. Always important due to this type of movement to reset bar with stance with each consecutive rep. This will reinforce proper form and build more explosive power from the base of the movement.

Last variation to discuss is the stiff-legged deadlift or some refer as RDL (Romanian Deadlift). I don’t recommend to have a locked knee position in this movement. The reason is many times this will place more pressure on our PCL (posterior cruciate ligament-supports the posterior position of the knee) and lower back. So can say we will maintain and semi bend in the knee so that we still get the hamstring involvement like we want in this movement. We will also utilize glutes in the movement which will aid in both the eccentric and concentric motions. This movement is not made to be an amazing movement up power but it is definitely great for hypertrophic stimulation. Also can be added in a routine for accessory work thrown in after conventional deadlift movements. The bar will be kept within close proximity of the body as in the earlier movements and would still use an over/over grip.
Any of these movements should incorporated in a routine. Every individual can benefit whether you are a strength athlete or a stay at home mother of three. They ultimately build power, speed, and muscle as well as increase our overall balance and metabolic output.
Are you ready to add these variations to your workout programming? Join the team today at Hew Health!