Month March 2022

Deadlifts – The Basics

Admittedly, watching someone pull massive amounts of weight from the floor is an impressive feat to see. Such a mix of power and speed displays an amazing ability, and often, a true athlete can encompass those athletic abilities to pull…


No body part can quite grab attention like a set of calves can. There’s something about very developed calves that stand out so distinctly, but this body part is mainly developed with the help of genetics and efficient training. We…

The Chest

When I began weightlifting, I was always focused on getting my chest bigger and stronger. I guess watching so many Arnold Schwarzenegger movies back in the day added to my chest envy, so I started lifting with an old school…

Base Metabolic Rate and Macros

Does a 200 lbs football player have the same metabolism as a 200 lbs Powerlifter? What components constitute our metabolic makeup? Is it beneficial to know your personal base metabolic rate to optimize training and know body limitations?  The truth…

The Ultimate Hip Flexor

Many don’t really see the importance of our five letter muscle that is primarily the controller of flexing our hips. Most endurance athletes, football players, martial artists, soccer players, and any sport that speed is a necessity will experience this…

Optimizing Glycogen Absorption

At times we wonder why we feel tired, sluggish, and/or weak… And then we maybe remember the last meal we had and then it all coincides. Body is always adapting to external environment that translates internally as well. So when…

Keto Talk – Let Me Explain!

What’s the scoop on keto and why is it becoming even more popular now? The truth is that keto diets have been around since the 1920s, and were thought to be an effective treatment for pediatric epilepsy. Studies showed that…

Intermittent Fasting

A few questions come to mind when I think about Intermittent Fasting: – Is starving my body for 12 hours or more a day good or bad?  – What are the pro and cons as far as ending results? – Is…